Sunday, May 18, 2008

Letter 17

Letter 17 -
The Father House

Dear Alien.

My father was a Redneck truckdriver from Yorktown, Indiana
Who spent his later days sucking back
Stroh’s beer
In the Dickey Mouse TavernOn Highway 32.

He smoked Camel Straights.His steaks were eaten raw.
But hamburgers were done well
Or not at all.

Sent back.

Back to the kitchen with Mama
That sometimes had milk.

The house I remember best,
(Or most, anyway)
Was dandelion-gone-to-seed yellow and
Damn Big.
Too big for my thinking now.
Not big enough for the child I meant to be.

I went back and found where the house used to be once.
Found it gone.
Replaced by years of thoughts of
Fleas on dogs and
Backyard pussy-willows gone soft and rich.
Justly gone.
We had only rented.

Rented the times when the
Shine on your skin went
Unnoticed by you and
The sun was a friend,
Not a threat.
When spiders and sirens were
Somehow alike
And the soft, summer lightning
Spelled God.

There is no door through which to
Request intrusion now.
No stairs to climb nor
Remember to sweep.
No backyard porch to
Stack dirty clothes on or
Jump off of when bravely
Showing others your wings.

Justly gone.
Rubbed out of my eyes like a busy day.

My father’s presence is everywhere still.
Even here.
Where nothing exists but gravel.
It is here he returns like a bottle..
It is here still I follow him home.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Surv Alien 3

In the vain attempt at trying to fit in with the people of this particular planet, The Alien is answering all surveys as they come in...

1. Are you in a relationship?
No. I'm in my office. (?)

2. Do you hate more than 3 people?
Depends on the people and how much they hate.

3. How many houses have you lived in?
Including yours?

4. Favorite Candy Bar?
The one made out of whipped sugar and lemons that has Happy Hour 24 hours a day.

5. What are your favorite shoes?
The ones I can never fill.

6. Have you ever tripped someone?

7. What was your least favorite subject this year?
Well, it certainly wasn't Suri Cruise.

8. What was your favorite subject this year?
Well, it certainly wasn't Suri Cruise.

9. Do you own a Britney Spears?
No. A Buick.

10. Have you ever thrown up in public?
Too embarrassed. I throw like a girl.

11. Are you thinking about somebody right now?
Does Suri Cruise count?

12. What is your favorite music genre?
The Spheres.

13. What is your sign?

14. What time were you born?
No such thing as Time.

15. Do you like beer?
All over my body.

16. Have you ever made a prank call?
I don't think so. What do you make it with?

17. What is the most embarassing CD you own?
Bob Dylan sings Donna Summer.

18. Are you sarcastic?
C 17

19. Favorite color?
I don't want to make the other colors sad.

20. How many watches do you own?
I only rent Time.

22. Spring or fall?
Depends on whether I'm going up or down.

23. What is your favorite color to wear?

24. Pepsi or Sprite?
I'm fine, thank you.

25. What color is your cell phone?
You could just ask for my number if you want it.

26. Where is your second home?
Where my heart is.

27. Have you ever slapped someone?

28. Have you ever had a cavity?
I'm searching.

29. How many lamps are in your bedroom?
I'll go ask.

30. How many video games do you own?
Only the one I live in.

31. What was your first pet?
On the head.

32. Have you ever had braces?
Would you think less of me?

33. Do looks matter?
Not to a baby.

34. Do you use Chapstick?
Sometimes as lubricant.

35. Name 3 teachers from your last school.
Me, myself and I.

36. American Eagle or Abercrombie?
The national bird and a line of clothing?

37. Are you too forgiving?
I'm against keeping. Is that the same thing?

38. How many children do you want?
How many are you selling?

39. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
I'm beginning to think you want to rob me. Please don't rob me.

40. What is your favorite breakfast?

41. Do you own a gun?
If I say "yes", do you promise not to rob me? Yes.

42. Have you ever thought you were in love?
Thoughts are things. So. I must have been. I think.

43. When was the last time you cried?
When I looked at the hole in the sky.

44. What did you do 2 days ago?
Spent it thinking it was today.

45. When was the last time you went to the Olive Garden?
When I kissed Jesus. (That might have been a mistake.)

46. Have you ever called your teacher mom?
My mom was a teacher. Now what do you have to say, smartypants?

47. Have you ever been in a castle?
Yes. It was white. And I was sated.

48. What are your nicknames?
The Alien. Alien. The.

49. Do you know anyone named Bertha?
Is she looking for me again?

50. Have you ever been to Kentucky?
I went to look at the blue grass. They lied, I guess.

51. Do you own something from Banana Republic?
A monkey.

52. Are you thinking about somebody right now?
Ok. Ok. Fine. Suri Cruise.

53. Have you ever called someone Boo?
Boo who?

54. Do you smoke?
Sometimes when I'm peeling out.

55. Do you own a diamond ring?
It's hidden. Get away from me. Why do you want to know what stuff I have?
Get away from me. It's hidden.

56. Are u happy w/ ur life right now?
What are my other options?

58. Does anyone like you?
There's no one like me.

59. Who's your 5 bestfriends..if u have them..?
That questions has to many grammaterological errs in it to answer them.

60. What were you doing May of 1994?
Let me look. Oh, right. I was dead already.

61. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?
No. So, if you're selling one... I suppose I could take it off your hands? (I'm just trying to
help you out.)

62. McDonald's or Wendy's?
I don't know. But whoever's it is, you should give it back to them.

63. Do you like yourself?
I should marry me.

64. Are you closer to your mother or father?
I don't know. They're ghosts now. So you should ask them who's closer to me.

65. Favorite feature of the opposite sex?
Anything that's different from me. Or similar. Or the same.

66. Are you afraid of the dark?
Not if I have the light.

67. Have you ever eaten paste?Too many carbs.

68. Do you have a webcam?
Not anymore. The last SurvAlien poster asked me that question then came and robbed me. That's when I got the gun.

69. Have you ever striped?
I prefer plaids.

70. Is your myspace song meant to be for anyone?
We should all just be for ourselves. A song can't do that. Silly question.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Nearly Killed

My blog. My little friend. Google thought I was a "spammer" whatever that means to you humans, but I assured them I was not.

Monday, February 19, 2007

A lost world

Opportunities arise, sometimes they seem like good ideas, we grab them and run, we make beautiful things for a time. Then, one little piece shows itself to be flawed and the whole glorious construct collapses and fades and quietens and disappears. Ashes to Ashes. Good news! A pile of ashes is the requirement for starting anew.

Friday, May 26, 2006

There was a Woman Named Oprah

Wednesday at three.
Oprah goes to Auschwitz.
Miss Pope by a day.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Stayin Alive

It's not easy maintaining a relationship with a blog. Horrible creatures who should stay on their own planet.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Dear World

Another month has gone by.